
Priya Tew, Dietitian UK

Avoid the nutrition nutters!

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

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2024 seems to have started off with lots of misinformation and diet fads. I've started a new series on Instagram busting these fad diet myths. These fad diets are so harmful! It can be even harder when people who are medical doctors, have a PhD or have a biochemistry degree are pushing these. Remember though that a dietitian is the only legally protected nutrition professional.

Anyone who is selling a cure-all pill or emphasising a single ingredient or diet should be steered clear of, regardless of their background.

There's no one perfect diet for everyone. However, with a bit of space for nuance, a well-balanced diet contains lots of the same basic ingredients. Things like fruit and veg, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds, meat, fish, dairy and eggs (or plant based alternatives) are all more important than any "superfood" or proprietary blend.

Stick to that middle path rather than any dietary extremes and unfollow anyone who spouts out rubbish!

I'd love you to tell me any fads you see circulating so I can call them out and stay on top of the trends.

Sending common sense hugs,

Priya xxxx

Blood sugar pills

The "Glucose Goddess" released a herbal supplement for blood sugar levels. There is so much that is wrong with these sort of products, read my post to see why.

Blood sugar levels

When glucose monitors and "hacks" are all the rage, here are tips on how to manage your blood sugars in a practical way.

Navigating diet fads

With all the misinformation that's around, diets easy to fall into the fad and chronic dieting cycle. And remember, diets that sound too good probably are!

Pasta does not need to be a meal to fear. Try this plant based pasta with a roasted pepper sauce and sausages.

Pasta can often be on people’s fear food lists but it really is a food to be enjoyed. With carbohydrates being your bodies preferred source of energy they are needed for your brain 🧠function and your whole body. Plus it provides fibre and B vitamins too.

Try this yummy recipe:

Ingredients : (serves 4)
- 2 peppers chopped and air fried or roasted
- 500ml stock (can use a stock cube with water)
- 2 tbsp cream cheese

- 8 sausages (plant or meat)
- 300g pasta dried weight
- 250g mixed frozen vegetables
- 2 tbsp Greek yoghurt
- Parmesan

👉🏼Air fry the peppers for 10 minutes until soft then blend with the cream cheese and stock.
👉🏼Air fry the sausages (meat or plant based) for 15 minutes, turn every 5 mins until cooked.
👉🏼Meanwhile, cook the pasta and add the frozen vegetables just as after you drain the pasta, stir them in so they cook in the steam.
👉🏼 Add the sauce and chopped sausages and mix together with the yoghurt.
👉🏼 Grate the parmesan and serve.

Let me know what other type of recipes would help you.

The Flexible Eating Course

This is for you if...⠀

  • You have been in a cycle of dieting and want to make lasting change.⁠⠀
  • You know your relationship with food needs some TLC.⁠⠀
  • You want to change your health behaviours and not just focus on weight.⁠⠀
  • You don’t want to restrict your eating but enjoy it.⁠⠀⁠⠀

All for £67.00! Follow at your own pace.

Stay in Touch!

If you need any support for your nutrition and health then please hit reply and chat to me. I run Dietitian UK, a private practice were we work with people mainly online. Specialist areas include eating disorders, disordered eating, IBS, PCOS and pre-diabetes.

If your workplace would like a nutrition talk or you have a project you need a dietitian to get involved with then also drop me a line!

Priya Tew, Dietitian UK

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